Submission options | Immersive Accommodations & Authentic Experience - HolidayKeepers
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Submit new Place to Stay



Give a name or a title to your property

Give a short description introducing your property

Explain in depth about your property, its amenities, property type, and other necessary information

Select the property type or your property categories

Select all the amenities available at your property

Mention all the attractions close to your property


Upload pictures of your property, including all the available amenities

Maximum upload file size: 64 MB. Drag to reorder.

Provide pictures of the best features of your property

Maximum upload file size: 64 MB. Drag to reorder.

You can provide a video showing around the property

Paste a link to the virtual tour of the property if available

you can upload a brochure of the property, it should be in PDF format

Maximum upload file size: 64 MB.


Please select which region your property is located in

Choose the destination your property belongs to

Enter the complete address of your property


    enter the number of guests your property has hosted

    enter the number of bedrooms available at your property

    enter the number of bathrooms available at the property

    enter your property wifi network SSID

    enter your property wifi password

    enter your property door key

    Sleeping Arrangement

    enter the number of rooms and their bed arrangement

    Things to know

    briefly mention the important house rules

    mention the instructions for check-in

    choose the suitable house rules

    enter the guest check-in time

    enter the guest check-out time

    Policy: We do not disclose, use or share your information with companies, organizations, or individuals; your data is safe with us. Holidaykeepers are just a booking platform acting as a mediator between hosts and guests. Our mission is to help connect guests with the right property according to their needs. Also, Holidaykeepeers do not own your property and are not responsible for handling your guests, and the hosts are responsible for attending to the guest's needs.


    Long term discount
    Seasonal Pricing
    Extra service pricing


    Limit the number of guests

    Max Free Guests

    Add additional price for each guest

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